tankste! - My first open source app

After 16 months of waiting and little work, I’m very happy to announce that my open source project tankste! has a new release. tankste! is an mobile app that present you the prices of fuel stations a very smart way. I have started this project out of nonsense. My favorite app Bertha (developed by Mercedes) was shut down, and I decide to rebuild this app. I found an API to get the prices (special thanks to Tankerkoenig!...

January 30, 2024 · Fabian

Turbine can only collect flows within TurbineContext

How to fix the issue “Turbine can only collect flows within a TurbineContext. Wrap with turbineScope { .. }” after upgrade to turbine version 1.0.0

June 28, 2023 · Fabian

Get Gradle plugins from Jitpack in version catalog

Learn how to add a Gradle plugin from Github via Jitpack to your Android project and fix the error you might encounter while using version catalogs.

May 16, 2023 · Fabian

Open source alternative for Mapbox Navigation

Discover MapLibre, an open-source Mapbox alternative for Android and iOS with navigation projects. Perfect for independent developers.

April 14, 2023 · Fabian